Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Popular Crowd….
Why are they famous and why are people so obsessed?

Stars, celebs, gliteratti.. call it whatever you want, one thing is clear: Hollywood has us hooked. Basically, there are two types of celebrity: those who earn their prestige and rank through talent and charisma, and those who are famous for just being famous, a la Paris Hilton.

So where do the Beckhams fit into this? Both have talent; he is one of the best soccer players out there, and she is a singer/dancer. But is that enough? Is that the essence of their celebrity? Maybe it was way back when they were semi-unknowns trying to grace the scene and strut down that proverbial red carpet, but now it seems that their star status is snowballing. Their fame thrives on fame. They certainly seem to have all of the prerequisites of a celebrity: wealth, fan following, entourage complete with stylists, publicists, and paparazzi. They have an allure, a je ne sais quoi, an it-factor. This blog will track “Britain’s Best” and provide current news and pics, while also exploring the origin and meaning of their celebrity status.

Whenever celebrities are written about, talked about or photographed their goals are being accomplished... they want a buzz/spectacle around them, they want people to know their names. After all, there’s no such thing as bad publicity, right? Some openly confess their celebrity infatuation, while others keep it hidden as a guilty pleasure. Either way, many people find the gossip-filled, scandalous, extravagant lives of celebrities delicious and enticing. Dig in!

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