Thursday, March 20, 2008

Victoria's Blog
Vic recently updated her personal blog, reflecting back on her recent reunion tour with the Spice Girls. Here is an excerpt:
"Hello... Just wanted to quicky blog about the recent tour the girls and I completed. There were many tears of joy and sadness as it came to an end. Look how far we've come! Who would have thought that our reunion could have turned out to be this amazing? It just shows what can grow out of an exciting thought, an idea, a hope, a dream. Yes, our reunion tour is proof that dreams do come true. We have been lucky enough to have shared it with the most loyal fans in the world. Ten years on, you came back still wanting more… and it looks like we made some new friends along the way. You have inspired and ignited us with each show, the 47 that we performed, each time was amazing and it is thanks to you. We apologize for cutting the tour short, but we have family obligations, and children starting school, etc. The Return of the Spice Girls Tour was amazing though, and I appreciate and love all of the fans. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It seems that many celebrities now have their own blogs, filled with their personal thoughts often found on their official websites. While not only a way to notify fans of upcoming events, it also seems like a way to establish a type of online connection with their loyal followers. Celebrity blogs seem to help bridge the distance between celebrity and admirer. Celebrity blogging is a different form of media because it allows the fan to read the first-hand comments from the celebrity, as opposed to reading a selected piece in a magazine. Blogs allow for the celebrity to share their raw words and thoughts without the worry of them being taken out of context or manipulated by the media. Is it a way for them to create a sort of relationship with their admirers and increase fan loyalty?


Agata said...

I agree with you that blogs are a way for fans to establish a deeper connection with celebrities. Not only does it give a chance for the celeb to avoid media manipulation, but it allows you to see a more relaxed and personal side of the celebrity. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. xoxoxo Victoria" -- written like a note you'd expect from a friend!

alisha said...

I'm glad you pointed this out. VB's blog is a perfect example of how celebrities can keep their fans loyal and always coming back for more. I unfortuntaly must admit that I've seen her blog before. Her messages to fans do always seem sincere, but at the same time, the rest of her website is all about publicizing her denim line. It really shows how fans are suckers... she sends a personal message once a month, but they probably check more often than that. And of course, most of the pictures that she posts of herself are really up to publicize her own merchandise or her friends'.

Seana said...

I agree with you in the respect that blogs are a great way to stay connected with one's fans. It wasn't until bogs that extreme fans were able to connect with their idols on a somewhat personal level. Although I do not read blogs of celebrities, I often read about them on Perez or hear talk of them on various entertainment shows. I remember reading how Posh often updates her fans on her sons as well as the recent activities of David through her blog. I think that Hollywood should keep logging blogs because it is a way for fans to get in touch with their "fantasy" world!

Dr. Bob said...

Yeah, Alisha, some fans may be suckers but, hey, star trek fans connect with the objects of their adoration for all sorts of reasons. And isn't it true that most fans know that someone is trying to sell them something; they just don't care?

Anonymous said...

It seems that everyone agrees that blogs are a way for celebrities and fans to get closer to each other. However, I have always wondered if the actual celebrity is the one responding to their fans. After all, there is no way to prove whether or not it actually is Posh responding. It seems to me that the best function of blogs is that it is a way for celebrities to say what they want to say in a way that is perceived as 100% honest and not tabloid related. If a celebrity is unhappy with something a tabloid said about them (selection) they can easily and ‘sincerely’ set the record straight. It seems more honest and “real” coming from a blog site rather than a person’s ‘representative.’

Helena said...

I think you definitely hit the nail on the head with why celebrity's have blogs. They definitely increase fans loyalty to them by increasing their sense of connection and relatedness. It makes the fan feel like they are not just adoring some person from a far, but like they are actually being addressed by the celebrities themselves.