Saturday, March 15, 2008

Victoria's Secret?
She Wants a Baby Girl
VB, who absolutely adores her three sons, has confessed to her husband that she is desperate to add a daughter to their brood. David told OK Magazine in an interview that he too is longing for another child. He also said that he was so touched by his recent UNICEF visit to Sierra Leone that he would love to adopt a baby from Africa. Victoria added "Adoption is something that David and I have talked about quite a bit. We feel we are a very privileged family who are lucky enough to be in the position to share our good fortune. I love being a mum and it is my dream to have a girl of my own."


Dr. Bob said...

I wonder when this whole thing of "selling" female celebrities as pregnant started. It used to be very uncool for a female celebrity to be seen with a "bump" (hate that word). But now it's very cool. What happened?

Elizabeth said...

The trend of celebrities getting pregnant and publicizing it is an odd phenomenon. They have glamourized pregnancy, which has taken away from the real thing. It makes it seem not real, just like the idea of celebrity. They are distanced enough from us that it seems unreal. But pregnancy and giving birth is much less glamourous.