Friday, April 11, 2008

Becks: He's Just Like Us.. He Gets Tickets
Earlier today, David got pulled over by the L.A. Sheriff's Department in Los Angeles. He was reportedly pulled over for a traffic violation after making an illegal left turn on Fairfax and Sunset while trying to escape the paparazzi who were following him. Becks got a $160 fine and 1 point on his driver's license. An eyewitness said: "David was really cooperative. I think he knew that he was in the wrong."

We have talked a lot about the concept of celebrity image in class this semester. Becks seems to have a "good boy" image and is always presented this way by the press. He even appears to be laughing with the cop who pulled him over. It's good for business that he tries to maintain a professional and friendly demeanor in these situations.

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