Thursday, April 17, 2008

V turns 34 today, and enjoyed an early celebration last night with David, Kate Beckinsale and Len Wisemen, and Eva Longoria. The five of them went to Eva's LA restaurant, Beso, then went for coffee and dessert at The Cheesecake Factory. Tonight Victoria and David will be attending British magazine's annual LA Bash- an elite party that celebrates the booming of British talent that is taking over Hollywood.
Check this out: VB also went out to dinner with David and the kids to celebrate her birthday and the paparazzi were everywhere. Here is a link to a video just to show you how difficult it is for the family to make it from the restaurant to their car. Even with the security guards and police, it's still mayhem!

So much for a birthday present... V got slammed by the chic Kitson boutique that sells her denim line. Fraser Ross, the owner spoke about the line not performing up to expectation- "She’s not supporting the line. It’s not good for her brand and not good for her endorsements. In a tough economy, you need to be in partnership with the people that are selling your line to your fans. That’s the bottom line. And it’s not like she’s not nearby. Victoria lives fifteen minutes from the store. That’s just bad business. It is just unprofessional. We haven’t dumped it yet. Hopefully there will be some kind of resolution." Ouch! V is very passionate about her fashion line and her publicist says that the star has already contacted Kitson and plans to visit the store this weekend to do promotion and have a meeting of the minds. Even with that minor setback, I'm sure Victoria will enjoy her birthday, and will of course celebrate in a very posh way.


Helena said...

As far as the paparazzi goes, it is unfortunate that these celebrities can't go out without being harassed -- and when true danger comes in, like causing Lindsay Lohan's car to crash, the fault is definitely on the paparazzi. But then again, you have to ask yourself, if these celebrities hate this so much, why do they all move to Los Angeles?

Anonymous said...

I love Posh but I think she is really messing up by not promoting her dvb line. She has not had the success here in America that she originally planned on and now I see why. She has to understand that she as a person is a commodity and a money maker. If she doesn't want to mold her life around promotion - fine - but she should be doing those little things like occasional public appearances.