Thursday, April 3, 2008

Becks on the Tonight Show
David appeared on Jay Leno the other night to chat about his family, career and life in America. He blushed when talking to the host (who just so happens to be his neighbor) about his recent Armani underwear campaign. Becks was also asked about meeting his wife after having a longtime crush on her, and talked about their first few dates together. David apologized to Jay for all of the paparazzi that constantly loiter around in their
neighborhood. The soccer star also added that he prefers American paparazzi to photographers in England, saying that the photographers in LA "have been kind to us." You can watch part of his appearance on the show here:

The love/hate relationship between celebrities and paparazzi is an interesting one. Some celebs absolutely despise the photogs, while others appreciate the publicity boost. While paparazzi certainly cross the privacy line and can be way too invasive, there is no denying that constant press and pictures can propel a star's career. High profile celebs like the Beckhams know that having their picture in US Weekly on a regular basis is a mark of their status. Without the paparazzi celebrities would have a harder time staying on people's radar and maintaining their position in the public eye. According to Gamson, the paparazzi are part of the subindustrial roles and play an integral part in the mechanics of celebrity. After all, he says that publicity is 60% of the celebrity formula.

1 comment:

Agata said...

I just wanted to make a comment on something small that caught my eye. You mentioned that he blushed while talking about his Armani underwear ad. While it may seem trivial, I think that's great -- it shows that all of the fame and attention is not entirely going to his head and that he still is a bit humble. It's interesting, though, that little acts like these, which reveal a celebrity's down-to-earth characteristics, can make them more attractive and propel them to further fame. This could in turn threaten their level-headedness. Let's hope that Beckham can overcome that!