Wednesday, April 23, 2008

That's a Wrap
The Beckhams were never boring to blog about. Whether they are photographed picking up dry cleaning or attending an A-list party, these two are certainly permanent fixtures in the celebrity scene. They seem like such a loving couple who is devoted to their family and I really admire that about them. As I tracked their lives for these past few months, I have realized that though they are this glamorous, super couple, they also seem to embody a lot of values that are often rare in Hollywood. In the bigger picture, this blog has allowed me to take the position of the reporter and select my own information and 'spin' on each post. In the past I had consumed media products, however, I had never actually produced them myself, i.e. in the form of a blog. It really gave me the chance to feel like a part of the sub-industrial roles that Gamson talks about. I had never before administered my own blog and it was definitely a fun experience. Thank you for following, and hope you enjoyed it!

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